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Социальный кризис, социальные преобразования, социальные революции

Социальный кризис, социальные преобразования, социальные революции

Революционные изменения после урагана "Кэтрин"

Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. spoke in Washington, D.C., Sept. There are many things that I can say. There are things that
I will refer to, during the course of today’s 16, 2005, at an international webcast sponsored by LaRouche event. But, ladies
PAC, and moderated by LaRouche spokeswoman Debra Ha- and gentlemen, without any further introduction, please join
nania Freeman. Some of the graphics mentioned are not re- me in welcoming Mr. Lyndon LaRouche.
produced with this transcript, but can be found on the website
http://www.larouchepac.com. LaRouche: Thank you. Thank you, Debra. Thank you, very
Freeman: On behalf of the LaRouche Political Action Com- To start with, my function here, which is international, as
mittee, I’d like to welcome all of you to today’s event. I think you know, is to set the pace for where this nation goes: bewithout
question, you’ll agree with me, that the nature of our cause, where this nation goes now, the world goes. There’s
gathering today will prove to be historic in nature. Because, no other part of this planet in trouble, which is capable of
in fact, with the rising waters of Hurricane Katrina, the final making certain initiatives, certain decisions, which must be
threads of credibility and legitimacy of the Bush-Cheney Ad- made for the world. Many parts of the world would welcome
ministration were washed away. And in fact, it is actually in what I propose the United States must do in providing leaderthe
midst of that storm surge, that Mr. LaRouche once again ship, but they won’t start it themselves. We in the United
emerged as the key figure in the United States, who was pre- States must start it. Because we have a Constitution, and a
pared in the face of the complete paralysis and uncaring of an tradition that goes with that, which gives us a capability, that
incompetent, insane Administration, to step to the fore, and no other nation on this planet has ever achieved. We look
to give direction, not only to the party whose Presidential like sour eggs right now, or something. But that’s not our
nomination he sought, but also to give direction to our character. Because the character of a people is not defined by
elected leaders. what it is at a moment. The character of a people is embodied
Thankfully, members of the Congress responded, and in in its living history.
fact, acted when the Administration failed to act. Last night, Now, for example, in my family, I am personally acall
of us were witness to the Idiot-in-Chief’s attempt to try to quainted, actively, with someone who was born more than
run damage-control for what he did not do, when the crisis 200 years ago. I never met this gentleman, a great-greatemerged,
both prior to and after its immediate manifestation. grandfather. But he was a dominant personality, back in the
But the fact of the matter, is that his legitimacy has already 1920s, at the dinner table of family gatherings. He was a
been so damaged and so threatened, that a national address legend; he was a leader in the civil rights struggle, coming
and a sympathetic glance, along with an 800 number, is not out of the Carolinas during the early part of the last [19th]
sufficient to regain the legitimacy of his office. Century. He was chased out of Carolina, and had to go to
For the first time, people in Washington realize, that there Ohio, where he became a leader of the civil rights struggle
is no way around an incompetent, insane White House. The there, the struggle against slavery there, and ran the Underquestion
now, though, is what direction the nation will take, ground station north of Columbus, Ohio, of escaped slaves
and what direction the world will take. And I think, again, we being shipped up to Canada to get some kind of freedom.
can all agree, the direction of the world will very much be So this, in a sense, typifies my experience, my family
determined by the direction of the United States. experience in the United States, from the first people here—
16 LaRouche Webcast EIR September 23, 2005
better place in which to live, for our descendants,
than we have today.
The common idea, which came out
of Greece, actually, as far as we know,
as it is expressed by Solon of Athens, on
which our Constitution was modelled in
a sense—the ideas of our Constitution
were modelled upon the reference to Solon
of Athens, the first kind of free state
in all European civilization. It didn’t
work out too well. It failed. But then,
came along the work of Plato, who represented
Socrates. And in Plato’s Republic
was founded the idea on which
this nation was founded, the idea of a
republic, of a people dedicated to what
we call the General Welfare: that the
purpose of a nation is to provide for the
General Welfare, of all of its people, and
especially, even more than the living,
EIRNS/Stuart Lewis those who come after them.
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Sept. 16: “My function here, which is international, as you It was that sense of a republic, that
know, is to set the pace for where this nation goes: because where this nation goes now, sense of the immortality, the immortal
the world goes.” purpose of a nation, which is its character.
And we in the United States have
been given a constitutional tradition.
Despite all the evils we’ve had to fight apart from an Algonquin Indian who was in there earlier, and against within our
is part of the ancestry; youmaynot note it now, but it’s there— republic, the best in the world, with all its present, most noticecame
into North America in the latter part of the 17th Century, able, imperfections.
from France into Quebec, and into Pennsylvania from En- So therefore, what I have to do, is, being an older person—
gland. And we have some Scottish immigrants from the older, not so much in years, because there are people who are
1860s—one came over as a sword-wielding dragoon, who much older, at least a few of them, and they’re valuable—
joined the First Rhode Island Cavalry for the Civil War. but, old in the sense that my thoughts go back not less than
So, we have embedded in us, in our family connections, 3,000 years. And therefore, the ideas I carry within, the ideas
in other connections, the transmission of ideas, of our nation which represent the policies on which I speak, are at least
to us, which reaches back deep into the founding of this nation, several thousand years old, and date from the ideas of Eurobefore
it became a republic, in places such as the Plymouth pean civilization, since ancient Greece: the Greece of the Py-
Brethren settlement in Plymouth, Mass., or the Massachusetts thagoreans, of Solon, and Plato. Therefore, it’s from that
Bay Colony. We represent those from Europe, who came standpoint, of recognizing that I must speak to that, to the
here with a very clear idea, about establishing a bastion for inner Constitution within our Constitution, the intention on
freedom, here, that was not available in Europe, with the which this nation was founded, that we must now bring a
intention of bringing the establishment of freedom here, as a remedy for the ills of the entire planet.
force, back into Europe to reform it.
Out of that, we created the best Constitution that the world A Nation in Purgatory
has ever seen: our Federal Constitution, our Declaration of We now face the worst financial crisis in all modern his-
Independence. These are standards of constitutional law tory. This is not a depression. The equivalent of the 1929
which no other part of the world has ever approached! And Depression happened in October 1987—and we’ve been gothis
is an integral part of our tradition. ing downhill since then. The condition of the lower80%of our
We are not a perfect nation. There are no perfect nations, family-income brackets, has been deteriorating in the United
and never will be. There are nations in the process of develop- States, and as I shall deal with this with some indications
ment. And the development is represented by those, who, in a today, it’s been getting worse, and worse, and worse. There
tradition, a national tradition—also the tradition of European are whole sections of the United States, such as the states
civilization in its best aspects—are in the process of trying to of the Central States—Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois—
build forms of society which will make the human race a which were once powerful states—western Pennsylvania—
EIR September 23, 2005 LaRouche Webcast 17
once powerful, in terms of industrial and agricultural progress:
Been destroyed! It’s a wasteland! The entire great farm
belt, the grain belt, which was a power of this nation, has
been largely destroyed! It’s been destroyed by the policies of
government, over a period of about 40 years.
We had many mistakes we made in the post-war period.
We didn’t continue the Roosevelt direction fully. It became
worse and worse. And after the assassination of Kennedy, and
about the time we plunged into the war in Indo-China, we
began to go worse. Under Nixon,webecame much worse, and
we’ve been going downhill, at an accelerating rate, ever since.
We’re in a condition today, in the United States, as increasingly
now in Europe, too, in which the infrastructure,
and the industries on which this nation depended for its riches,
have been destroyed. Now, infrastructure, for example, water
systems have a life-expectancy of 30-odd to 50 years. Power
systems have an immediate approximate life-expectancy of a
quarter-century or more. Highway systems; railway systems,
which have disappeared; and so forth—factory systems, industrial
systems. More important: the skills of labor! We do
not have a labor force that has the skills, even approximately
the skills, of production that it had three decades ago. We
have become a post-industrial nation; some call it a “services
economy.” It’s an economy waiting to be served—at lunch!
So therefore, we are a ruined nation. But we still have, in
the immortal aspect of ourselves, in the memory of what we
were, in the evidence of what we were, we have the keys to
success, the keys to rebuilding.
Now, very few politicians in Washington have that view.
Very few so-called leaders today, have that view. We’re like
a nation in Purgatory, waiting to be delivered into Hell! We FEMA/Jocelyn Augustino
live. But we live in the end-phase of history, where history FEMA looking for residents in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
has come to an end, and we’re living in Purgatory, in the “What you saw, in the effects of Katrina are two things . . . a part
end of history, waiting to be dropped into Hell. And that’s of the economy which is in much worse condition than it was 30,
40, years ago . . . a lot of poor people, who didn’t considered popular opinion, conventional opinion, today. even have the
But now, all these people who have been sleeping in Pur- money to get out of town, who were hit by poverty that was
imposed on them as a condition. But we saw, also, the poverty of gatory, the Purgatory of Baby-Boomerism in particular, are government, the insanity of government, the virtually criminal
now faced with destruction. They’ve assumed that they could negligence on the part of the President and Vice President, and
live on, in the end of history, and silently pass into death their institutions.”
without pain. And having a sort of a comfort zone to live in,
in the meantime, to live in, until they were delivered to a more
ugly destination. could lead to a collapse of the world population from over 6
That’s ended: There is no comfort zone! There’s no safe billion today, to about the population size of the 14th Century
place to which to flee. There’s no hiding place. You can’t before. The very means of existence are being destroyed.
shrug it off. It’s you. It’s your situation. It’s the situation of What you saw, in the effects of Katrina, are two things:
the nation as a whole. There’s no place to run; there’s no place You saw the effects of a part of the economy, which is in
to hide: You have to get up and fight, whether you like it much worse condition than it was 30, 40 years ago. We see
or not. Not because you like to fight, but because you have the effects of a lot of poor people, who didn’t even have the
no alternative. moneyto get out of town,whowere hit by poverty, the poverty
That pretty much is the actual situation of the world today. which was imposed upon them as a condition. But we saw,
It’s become worse and worse over the past two, three decades. also, we saw the poverty of government, the insanity of gov-
But now, we’ve come to the end of the game.Weare minutes, ernment. The virtually criminal negligence on the part of the
in the sense of history, minutes away from the destruction of President and Vice President, and their institutions. They
world civilization. We’re minutes away from a process that were on a vacation—they should have stayed there, and left
18 LaRouche Webcast EIR September 23, 2005
the office to somebody else to take over. cover (keep it on there for a minute, because I want to get this
theme thoroughly impacted). Now, we know So, we’re in two kinds of crisis: We’re in an economic that Cheney and
crisis, a moral crisis, a social crisis, which have been building Company—and Cheney’s the leader of this in the governup
over decades: decades of error, decades of negligence, ment, because Bush doesn’t know which end is up and which
decades of carelessness, decades of corruption! But we also end is down—but Cheney, since he was Secretary of Defense,
find ourselves in a desperate situation, in which the leading under Bush #1, or they call him “41,” had a plan for a war. At
institutions of the Executive branch of government are a cata- that time, the first Bush Administration, which was advised
strophic failure—and worse than a failure; you almost wish by various people who were saner and more intelligent than
they weren’t there. But we need those institutions, but under George H.W. Bush, said, “Don’t continue a war in Iraq. Don’t
better management, to get us out of this mess. try to occupy it. Get out of it! Make the agreement, and leave.”
And that’s the situation around the world. Germany is Which was done.
operating below breakeven. Germany, under the present poli- Cheney’s policy, at that time, was to continue with the
cies, hasn’t a chance. My wife, who’s running for Chancellor war and the occupation, with the kind of thing which did
in Germany, is the best chance Germany has! Because at least happen, recently under his direction as Vice President. Some
she represents the ideas. And there are some people around people think that was a bad idea—they don’t understand what
Chancellor Schro¨der who recognize the importance of these the idea was.
kinds of ideas, and some people in parts of Europe recognize Nowremember, that when Cheney was going to war, with
it. But Europe could not save itself on its own. It could not that stooge, a President, doing the spade-work for him, he was
take on the challenge of the changes in policy which have to warned by the military, that without an exit strategy, without
be made on a global scale. a plan for an exit strategy, this would become a mess—with
no satisfactory conclusion. Now, that warning has been borne
The Danger of ‘Permanent War’ out. Iraq is a mess. There is no solution. There will never be
Now, in such times of crisis as this, when the world is a stable state, under this condition, today. People would say,
decaying because of bad policy and its economic effects, you “But doesn’t that prove that Cheney failed?” No, it does not
come into a very dangerous time, in which Hell may break prove that Cheney failed. Cheney did not fail. He succeeded.
out in the form of certain kinds of wars. Because, what was his purpose? See, naive people think, that
Now, the principal subject, among the several I want to when the United States goes to war, it’s going to war to win
deal with summarily and in succession today, is, first of all, war. War means, you defeat an opponent, you readjust the
the greatest immediate danger of all: the danger of perma- country, and leave, having declared victory. Well, Bush denent
war. clared victory, but he didn’t have a victory, and Cheney never
Now, I’d like to have you start with this by looking at the intended a victory! Rumsfeld never intended a victory in Iraq!
cover of the next issue of EIR. [“Dick Cheney: Permanent They intended this to continue the way it is! They intend,
Revolution, Permanent War”]. And I’ll explain what this is. now, to do the same thing with Iran. They intend to do this in
And I’ll explain why it’s important to do that, today. North Korea. They intend to do this in other parts of the world.
Now, one of the things I have to do today, and in the days Now, we’ve reached the point, that we no longer have a
following, is to make clear to people in the Senate and other military capability for conducting wars. What we have is a
parts of our government, in influential institutions, exactly military capability, for destruction. Largely from the air, by
what the problem is: The problem typified by Cheney, a Che- missile or aircraft. With nuclear weapons—mini-nuclear
ney, who in a sense, in his own way, is far worse and more weapons, but it won’t stop there.
dangerous than Adolf Hitler. And if you don’t stop him now, Their plan for permanent war: Again, the cover. (Keep it
you may have nothing worth stopping. on for a while.)
What the danger is, is this: In a time of crisis, when things
can no longer go on the way they have been going on, you Historical Precedents
come to a point, where somebody decides to push through Now, where did this idea come from? The idea is very
dictatorship. And that is exactly what the Cheney-Bush Ad- old. Let’s take the idea as it existed in European civilization:
ministration (in that order), and what the British government The first case of this kind of warfare, in European civilization,
of Tony Blair, are doing. There’s an Anglo-American alliance was the Peloponnesian War, which destroyed the power of
to bring Hell on this planet. Greece. Greece was destroyed internally, by the Peloponne-
Now, many people object to the specific things that they sian War. The end-game of the Peloponnesian War, was to
recognize that Cheney and Blair are doing, in their alliance— eliminate Greece as a major factor—it was a dominant factor
which is made through his wife, Lynne Cheney, who actually in the Mediterranean, at that time—in order to make way for
runs the family. He used to be a performing stud service in a new empire. The empire was intended to be formed by an
the family, and when that was over, they gave him another alliance of Macedon, with the Persian Emperor, the Achemaeassignment,
as Vice President. But, look—we’ve got the EIR nid Empire, and to create an empire of the entire Mediterra-
EIR September 23, 2005 LaRouche Webcast 19
nean region, which would be divided into two parts, with a
shared empire by the King of Macedon, and the Emperor of
Persia. To divide, to take the Halys line and the line in the
Middle East, divide the world at that point: to the East, all the
way to Pacific Coast, would be one half of the empire; and to
the West, from this line, such as the Halys River in Anatolia,
would be the other part of the empire.
Now, that didn’t work, because the Academy at Athens
backed up Alexander, who hated his father (justly so), and
who broke the deal, and destroyed the Persian Empire. So,
for that moment, the empire was off. But then, Alexander was
poisoned, he was killed by poisoning, and therefore, a certain
amount of chaos went on in this period, the Ptolemy period.
But then, it came back: About 200 B.C., you had the
emergence of Rome as an imperial force. It was not yet an
empire. It was still called a republic, but the intention was
The Anglo-Dutch Liberals established an empire, creating the empire. And the transition occurred to empire, through civil British East India Company as its imperial battering ram. The
wars and various kinds of wars in the Mediterranean, to settle British East India Company ensured years of permanent colonial
which of three powers would be the head of the empire:Would war on the subcontinent. Here, a royal British procession in India
in it be Egypt? Would it be the Middle East? Or, would it be the 19th Century.
Rome itself? At first, there was supposed to be a compromise
between Cleopatra and Julius Caesar, but that didn’t work
out, because Julius got himself killed. Then the heirs of Julius gland, and he overthrew the bastard, Richard III, and estabCaesar
began to quarrel among themselves. And there were lished England as the second modern nation-state, that is,
various deals:MarcAnthonytried to marry Cleopatra again— committed to the principle of the General Welfare.
she was apparently the trading merchandise of the day. And At that point, a struggle broke out between the vestiges of
they got defeated, because the legal heir of Julius Caesar, who the old imperial interests, and a new kind of state, the modern
changed his name, made a deal with the forces in the Middle nation-state. They tried to break it up with religious war, from
East, and they defeated the forces of Marc Anthony/Cleopa- 1492, with the Expulsion of the Jews—by Spain, by the Grand
tra, and he became, of course, the Emperor Augustus. Inquisitor—until 1648, when religious peace was established
They had an imperial system. The imperial system de- in Europe with the treaty of 1648, the Peace of Westphalia.
cayed internally, and the Emperor Diocletian divided the Em- In this period, however, a new imperial force came up—
pire into two parts, an Eastern and Western division of the no longer the Habsburgs, but the Anglo-Dutch Liberals, iniEmpire,
just as had been planned at the time of Philip of tially the Anglo-Dutch Liberal India Companies. And they
Macedon, and the Persian Empire. A two-empire system. So, set forth to establish an empire. And through a war, which
you had the Empire of the West and the Empire of the East, they organized on the continent of Europe, called the Seven
divided in the middle of what is now Yugoslavia. That didn’t Years’ War, they became an imperial power, the British East
work out too well. India Company, in February 1763 at the Treaty of Paris. And
Then you had the emergence of the medieval period, about this became the beginning of the British Empire, which ini1000
A.D., in which the Venetian financier-oligarchy tially was an empire of the British East India Company.
emerged as the successor to Byzantium, and made an alliance
with the Norman Chivalry. And the two of them ran the world The American Challenge
in that area, in a form which was called Crusades, which Now, at that point, the oppression occurred against the
started with the Albigensian Crusade, the Norman Conquest, American colonies.Andas well, against the people of Europe.
and a series of official Crusades, all the way until the verge So, an international alliance developed, among leading
of the collapse of that empire, in the 14th Century in a new intellectual and moral forces inside Europe, and the forces
Dark Age—the financial system collapsed. inside North America, led by Benjamin Franklin, which re-
But then, we had the emergence, in the Golden Renais- sulted in the formation of this republic, with the support of
sance, of a new kind of society: a true nation-state society, most of Europe, of most of the people of Europe. But then,
which was formed out of the Council of Florence, with the the French Revolution, which the British orchestrated, the
establishment of the first modern nation-state, based on the unleashing of Napoleon to destroy much of Europe with his
principle of the General Welfare—Louis XI’s France. Now, wars, created the situation which led into all kinds of Hell, for
you had a fellow at Louis XI of France’s court, by the name us and others, until Abraham Lincoln led in victory, against
of Richmond. He was an Englishman. And he went to En- a British puppet called the Confederacy, the British slave-
20 LaRouche Webcast EIR September 23, 2005
ful, was defeated. Without the power of the United States,
and the commitment of the United States, we would have
been living, saying “Heil Hitler!” today.
Roosevelt saved us.
Overturning the FDR Legacy
But then, again, the same crowd, which had backed Hitler—
including Americans, including the grandfather of the
present President of the United States, Prescott Bush, who is
the guy who organized the funds to save the Nazi Party from
bankruptcy, in time to make Hitler dictator of Germany! This
crowd, once Roosevelt was dead, began to go back to the
same, old business. They couldn’t do it immediately. They
could do it by pieces. Most of you here, don’t know what
we lived through under Truman. Truman was the most evil
Courtesy of Imperial War Museum, London President that I can think of: He did more, by intention, to
The trench warfare of World War I, was part of the British destroy the United States. He was the one who threatened to
Empire’s permanent warfare, to keep its financial and political put us into preemptive nuclear war! It was Truman, who
grip on the world. The imperial forces, led by Britain, wanted to stopped the peace treaty, which had been negotiated with
halt the spread of the American System into Germany, Japan, and
Japan, so that we could drop the only two Russia in the late 19th Century. Today’s heirs of these imperial nuclear weapons we
forces, are trying to push the United States into another had as prototypes, on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The intention
“permanent war.” was to create a nuclear arsenal and conduct a preemptive war
against the Soviet Union—which was called off, only when
the Soviet Union developed some nuclear weapons, and deholder
faction. veloped priority in a thermonuclear weapon.
Then, the United States emerged as a great influential At that point, they called the show off. They told Harry
power on the planet. The ideas of the United States, the U.S. go, “go git!” “Git back home, there, Harry! Your time is
economy, spread into Germany, in 1877-78, with the Bis- over!” And we brought in Eisenhower, who kept us from
marck reforms which were modelled upon the U.S.; in Japan, going to war, during the time he was President. Otherwise,
in the same period, with the Japan reforms, which started we would have been in nuclear war.
Japan as an industrial society, as a modern society; with a But then, Eisenhower was out of office. Kennedy did not
development in Russia under Alexander III in particular, the know what the score was. His father had been on the wrong
development of the Trans-Siberian Railroad and the industri- side, anyway. And therefore, they killed him—and we went
alization of Russia. And similar things in other parts of the through a change.
world. This is what we’re up against, this crowd.
So, at this point, the British Empire, which had seemed to Now, what’s the point? The financial interests, the same
dominate the world in the period of the early 19th Century, financial interests of the United States and Britain, and other
was suddenly placed in jeopardy, not because there was an countries, which brought Hitler and what he represented to
imperial power threatening them, but because the nations of power in Europe, during the 1920s and 1930s—these same
Eurasia, as well as the Americas, were in revolt against em- financier interests, which, through people like George Shultz,
pire. They were for development, agro-industrial develop- use stooges like Cheney, are determined to get us into a special
ment; for the freeing of people from conditions of serfdom kind of war, which we should understand from the history of
and slavery and other kinds of impoverishment. European experience with imperialism, beginning from the
Again, the imperial forces, led by Britain, organized a time of the Peloponnesian War. The purpose of Cheney’s
war, called World War I—with the help of the assassination operation, is not to fight a war to win it against an adversary,
of a President in 1901. And so forth. It led to the second war, and bring peace, by winning war. The purpose of empire, as
planned by the same people. But then, we had a President, the Roman Empire, as the British Empire, as other empires,
Franklin Roosevelt, who knew what the game was, and who is to use war, as a means of government. To kill off, by war,
represented the American tradition, of his ancestors.Wholed, forces which are independent. And to get wars going on relinot
only in rebuilding this nation out of the Depression, where, gious bases, and other bases, among peoples, and by playing
under Hoover, the economy collapsed by one-half. But Frank- people against each other, national groups against each other,
lin Roosevelt made us the greatest economic power the world national areas against each other, to rule the world, the way
had ever seen, from under depression conditions. And be- Rome, under the Roman legions, ruled its empire. The way
cause of our existence, Hitler, who would have been success- that medieval Europe, under Venetian-Norman chivalry con-
EIR September 23, 2005 LaRouche Webcast 21
trol, used war, like Crusades and other wars, as a means of among us, and in the world at large: The chief challenge is,
that the government, the Executive branch controlling Europe, in an imperial way. That’s the method of our government,
used by the British Empire: war as a method of government. is in the control of a few people, typified merely by Cheney,
who are for permanent regime change, permanent revolution.
Parvus, Trotsky, and ‘Permanent Revolution’ And the irony of the thing, is of course, they’ve recruited a lot
Now, the problem we have—and I’ll get back to this in of Trotskyists, who are called neo-cons, neo-conservatives—
this cover picture again (the cover story, shall we say?): Now, or, chicken-hawks, because they ducked service in Vietnam,
you’ve got three characters there. You’ve got in the middle, and went on to wars in other places, where other people are
Cheney. I think you recognize the bum. With all his glory, his fighting the wars—and permanent war.
beauty, hmm? And you’ve got over on the side, on our left, Not war to win, in the sense of nation-state wars. But war
Leon Trotsky. On the right, a fellow, Alexander Helphand, as a method of government, to destroy the planet, so that a
otherwise known as Parvus. These are the people who con- handful of people, relatively speaking, control the entire
veyed into Europe, in their time, a doctrine called permanent planet, as an empire. These people are financier interests, of
revolution. Which is a doctrine, which by name, is associated the type that are looting our government—like Halliburton
by the cognoscenti with Trotskyism. Trotskyists have the the- and Bechtel, for example, today. This crowd. And that’s what
ory of permanent revolution. we’re up against.
But, this is tied to a doctrine of permanent war. Who gave So our people in the Senate and elsewhere do not yet
Trotsky the idea of permanent revolution? Parvus. Alexander understand this! Andtheir failure to understand this, to underHelphand.
What was Helphand? Helphand was a British stand what we’re really up against, means they do not take
agent, of Russian extraction, tied to a famous character, Colo- the appropriate response. They may take an honest response,
nel Zubatov, in Russia—the chief of the Okhrana, the secret they maydo useful things—but they’re going on to bigger and
police. And with Jabotinsky, Vladimir Ze’ev Jabotinsky. better things than they have faced right now, or recognized so
These were the people who set up fascism in Europe; for far: They’re facing something much more deadly, than they
example, Italy, was set up as part of this crowd. And Parvus imagine. And my job is to make those facts clear to them.
died in the 1920s, organizing what became the Nazi move- And we will be doing that, which is why I refer to the cover
ment—then under the movement, under Coudenhove-Kal- of EIR to document exactly what this is. And to put forth,
ergi, which he was working on at the time he died of natural internationally, documentation of the nature of the danger we
or unnatural causes. face: What is the danger of war? What does it mean? What is
During the period, he was a gun-runner, a grain trader, the policy? Where does it come from? How is it organized?
and so forth—everything. He was trained in Britain, recruited And, how do we defeat it?
in Britain, and deployed as a Russian operative in British If we don’t understand that, we will lose. And therefore,
operations around the world: organizing wars, organizing understanding what is behind the idea of permanent revoluweapons
trade, organizing and so forth. tion, and permanent warfare, is crucial to saving this nation,
In 1905, he had Trotsky in tow, and took him into Peters- and saving civilization. And unfortunately, only relatively
burg, where the Okhrana chief, Zubatov, was organizing a few people understand that, today.
revolution against the Tsar—from inside the Tsar’s govern- All right, now, when you’re dealing with something ugly,
ment. And he gave Trotsky a paper, which he, Parvus, had my view is, that you start, as did my great friend Franc¸ois
written, on permanent revolution. He left Trotsky with the Rabelais of France, who faced terrible conditions; and the
paper. Trotsky got into trouble. He had left the scene, and case of Don Quixote, of our dear friend Miguel Cervantes:
Trotsky thereafterward defended this doctrine of permanent When you face a terrible situation, and Spain was a terrible
revolution. place at the time; there was nothing good in Spain. There’s
So, what it is, is a kind of a left-right operation, of organiz- nothing good in Don Quixote: Everybody is nuts, greedy and
ing instability, riots, insurrections, so forth, various means of nuts. There aren’t any good Spaniards inDonQuixote; they’re
creating Hell. It’s otherwise called “regime change”! In other all nuts. But, Miguel Cervantes used humor, great humor, as
words, what we did in Iraq. We go through regime change, a way of trying to mobilize people in Spain to an awareness
and the place is turned into a hellhole—from which it will of what their problem was. To desire to rise above being either
never recover, under the present trends. It’s not intended to Sancho Panza—you know, belly, that’s what it is—or, this
recover—ever. They intend to spread it to Syria, to Iran, and crazy old knight, with a bucket on his head. To become real.
so forth. Permanent regime change: permanent revolution. To enter modern civilization.
And part of that is permanent war. Franc¸ois Rabelais faced a similar situation. He was a great
That’s what we in the United States face, within and thinker. He joined many religious orders. He was a power in
without. his time. He was a great physician, among other things (which
The problem, the challenge before us, today, in the middle is where he got some of his vocabulary from), but he dealt—
of what is a great depression, great suffering, great problems with his Pantagruel and his Gargantua—dealt with the situa-
22 LaRouche Webcast EIR September 23, 2005
of this Katrina, what that looked like on a map [weather map
showing Katrina shortly before landfall]. This is what you’re
looking at. You recognize the area; you recognize the temperature
concentration there [darker colors show the cooler, and
therefore higher, cloud tops].
Now, let’s go on to the next one, on the levee system itself
. This is what the structure was. You have the Mississippi
River, which is a much higher level than New Orleans itself;
then Lake Pontchartrain, and you have a system, a damming
system, levee system, which keeps the water out of the New
Orleans area.
Next, (Figure 1): This indicates some of the canals, levees,
which were in trouble, and were part of the problem.
But, get on to the next issue. Now, this is the area that was
After Charles Addams immediately affected by this storm. Now, let’s get on to the
“When people can laugh about terrible problems, then, instead of next picture (Figure 2). We’re looking at the Mississippi; being gripped by fear and terror, they can clear their heads and
look at the dates. We’ll go through this twice, “think seriously about what we’re going to do about this problem.” Change in the
percentile of manufacturing workers in the workforce.” The
red [counties] are the more dense, the blue ones, the light blue
ones, the less dense. You see, there are changes going on,
tion with humor. Because, when people can laugh, and laugh there are interchanges—not constantly. But you see, overall,
about terrible problems, to see the irony of the situation, then, a general collapse of the workforce in that entire area. So
instead of being gripped by fear and terror, they can clear their you’re going through this entire period, since the end of the
heads and think seriously, about what’re
we going to do about this problem? And
put it in perspective. Not be in awe of the
FIGURE 1 problem—but be the intellectual master New Orleans Flood Protection Structures—Not Upgraded
of the problem. And being the intellectual
master of the situation, is key to
being the physical master of yourself.
So, let’s look at some of these
things. They’re something from the
[Charles] Addams cartoon series [see
graphic]. This, of course, is one way of
looking at what happened in Louisiana.
Next one [another Addams cartoon]
Now, there’s three characters you’ll recognize,
with George Shultz up there, in
a portrait on the wall, while they’re preparing
a torture rack. The shoe-shopper,
[Condoleezza] Rice, and the President,
and his boss, Cheney.
And then the third one, Franklin
Roosevelt [driving a car], and these two
[Bush and Cheney about to roll a rock
down the hill on top of his car].
Hurricane Katrina
All right, now. Let’s start, then, by
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers looking at the Mississippi situation, and
what that involves, and the adjoining This schematic Army Corps of Engineers’ 2003 map shows levee/floodwall sites in the
core New Orleans area, which were part of the Corps’ overall plans to upgrade storm
states, of course first; and then, come to protection structures to withstand maximum Category 5 hurricanes, not lesser Category 3.
the general problem of the economy as Repeated requests for funding for strengthening and heightening the levees were denied
a whole. Take first, of all just a picture by the George W. Bush Administration. Under Katrina, the levees breached in five places.
EIR September 23, 2005 LaRouche Webcast 23
1970s, into increasing impoverishment, in-
FIGURE 2 trinsic impoverishment of this area. And Manufacturing Decline Nationwide, 1975 and 2000, by
you see, the crucial thing you’ll find, is, County—Boundaries of Greater Mississippi Basin Shown*
1990 is a very crucial point in this whole
(Percent of Total Workforce Engaged in Manufacturing) process.
Again, we go on to the next [graphic].
Okay, now, this is service workers, where
you’re going from an industrial society, an
agro-industrial society, to a service-worker
economy, and you see what’s happening
here, the opposite effect: that you’re getting
an increase in service workers, which are
low-paid, unskilled, no guarantees, “no
nothing” to speak of—hamburger flippers—
as opposed to productive jobs,
which represent more stability, more
wealth produced.
Then go on to the next graphics (Figures
3 and 4). All right. This combines the
two, “service workers as a percentage of
the total workforce” [county by county],
and you see what’s happening. It’s spreading,
weakening, character is destroyed,
from 2000, especially, on. And this is what
hit this area.
Now, look at the farmers [graphic].
Look at the farmers as a total. There’s no
animation here. But, this is 2002.Nowlook
at the next one, old farmers, “65 years and
older.” Again: We’re depending upon old
farmers, who are therefore going out of
business; there are not young farmers to
replace them. Our food supply is in
Now, look at the poverty issue in this
area, which was hit by this (Figure 5).
Now, look at the adjacent area, which
is significant, the Tenn-Tom [Tennessee-
Tombigbee]. Now, what this involves is
this: You’ve got two ways down. Remember,
the greatest part of our food and export
supply comes from an area which is between
the two mountain ranges, the Rocky
Mountains and the Allegheny Mountains,
and you have river systems which flow
down there. These river systems are not
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. Map produced by MapInfo. only water systems, they’re also transpor- *Boundary shows 19 states in Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri Rivers basin.
tation systems. The greatest amount of our The decline of U.S. manufacturing from 1975 to 2000 is evident thoughout all
exports comes down from these areas, geographic concentrations, from the Northwest aluminum center, to steel and auto in
western Pennsylvania on downon one side, the Midwest, and high-tech fabrication in the Northeast. In the 19-state watershed
basin of the Mississippi/Missouri/Ohio Rivers (outlined), which and so forth on the other. They come down. reaches world trade
They come down toward the Mississippi, routes through the Gulf ports, the mass loss of manufacturing jobs is a marker of how
the entire landscape of farming, regional industry, and infrastructure (rail, locks and the mouth of the Mississippi, into the Gulf dams, urban and rural centers) has been degraded and downscaled in the U.S.
area. And there, they are exported around productive heartland between the Alleghenies and the High Plains.
24 LaRouche Webcast EIR September 23, 2005
Manufacturing Employment Decline, by County, 1975 and 2000
(Percent of Total Workforce Engaged in Manufacturing: Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama)
Source: EIR 2005, Map by MapInfo.
The marked decline in percent of the workforce in manufacturing, reflects the mass shutdown of industries of all types formerly in the
three-state region—principally textiles, agriculture processing (cane sugar, canneries, cotton milling, meat-packing), pulp and paper, and
many others. The “Sunbelt process” of siting new factories here in order to pay relatively low, non-unionized wages, in no way altered the
dramatic pattern of regional de-industrialization (e.g., Sunbelt auto plants locating in Alabama—Mercedes Benz, 1997; Honda, 2001;
Hyundai, 2005; in Mississippi—Nissan, 2003; in Louisiana—GM, 1978).
Service Employment Increase, by County, 1975 and 2000
(Percent of Total Workforce Engaged in Services Jobs: Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama)
Source: EIR 2005, Map by MapInfo.
Service jobs of all kinds, with low wage rates, came to dominate what employment existed in these three states by 2000. In the so-called
“hospitality” sector, casino work led the way, as these states were among the first nationally to legalize riverboat gambling. These states’
average individual weekly wages and salaries have been about 85% of the national average (including industrial and services combined).
Of 12 million citizens in the three states, 3.6 million are black; nationwide, the median income of black households is below 70% of the
national median.
EIR September 23, 2005 LaRouche Webcast 25
Hurricane Katrina Hit Three of Nation’s
Poorest States
(Official Poverty Rate, Non-Institutional Population, Percent:
Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama)
Courtesy of Lowndes County Port Authority
The Lowndes County Port on the Tennesee Tombigbee. “We
created, some years ago . . . a link to the Tennessee-Tombigbee
River, which would be a parallel to the Mississippi, as an
additional way of transport down to the Gulf. And we lost economy
in this area, so that at the time this route was completed, we had
lost the purpose for the route, in the sense, we’d lost the
agriculture, we’d lost the industry and so forth, which would have
been served by this.”
Source: EIR 2005, Map by MapInfo. at the time this route was built, was completed, we had lost
In terms of how far their populations are below the U.S. median the purpose for the route, in the sense that we’d lost the agriincome,
the storm-hit states of Mississippi (2.9 million people) culture, we’d lost the industry and so forth, which would have
ranks worst in the nation (30% below U.S. median income);
been Louisiana (4.5 million) ranks second-worst (22%); and Alabama served by this.
(4.6 million), fifth-worst (18%). According to the U.S. “official” You get up there around Cairo [Illinois], you come into a
(much under-represented) poverty rate, 20 counties in the three jam-up, where the system there, the management of the river
states have 30-45% of their people in poverty. Dozens of other system, is breaking down now. This is a log-jam. Even if you
counties are very poor. Only ten counties have poverty rates less had the product to ship, you would have troubles, because this
than 15%. Thus, the vulnerability to harm from disaster was very
high among those already lacking good health, transportation, system is old and needs repair.
living conditions and decent jobs. All right now, then look at the New Orleans port from this
standpoint [graphic]. What this just simply shows, is that this
port was key to our relations to the world. You take this area
the world. And then, of course, you have some transport goes of the United States, the interior, between the Rocky Mounup
the river in reverse, but more comes down. tains and from western Pennsylvania, the Alleghenies, down:
So this area, the whole area, has been in a process of the flow along these river systems for our exports. This was
economic collapse, from western Pennsylvania—the whole the internal central power of the United States. And that is
area, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, the grain what’s being destroyed.
states in general, and so forth. They’re in a process of collapse, Now, look at the railroad system [graphic]. This is clear—
and have been in a process of collapse, over a period of more you can get more of this, we’ve got copies that you can access.
than 30 years. It’s actually industrial collapse. Whole commu- But this just indicates, this is the network we’re dealing with
nities have vanished, or virtually vanished. It’s like East Ger- in rails. This, also, is collapsing! Look at New England! In
many, in a sense, in that area. terms of freight, there’s nothing. It used to be the prime driver
All of this involves these rivers, which are main arteries of the nation in terms of technology. Nothing!
of transport. Now, go back to this Tenn-Tom thing [graphic]. Look at the Railroad Mileage in Operation (Figure 6).
Now, what’s the significance here? We created, some years Look at this area, down around the Mississippi. The collapse!
ago, we used a river system which cut into the Tennessee The collapse of not only water transport, the collapse of rail
Valley area, system; you see places like Florence, Decatur, transport, which are the two primary transports. We have
Clarksfield, this is the Tennessee Valley area. We created a trucks running all over the highways—which is not efficient.
link to the Tennessee-Tombigbee River, which would be a It’s very expensive, and it’s not efficient. Rail and water transparallel
to the Mississippi, as an additional way of transport port are the most efficient, cheapest way per ton-mile. And
down to the Gulf. And we lost economy in this area, so that certain kinds of freight go better by water, because their aging
26 LaRouche Webcast EIR September 23, 2005
U.S. Commercial Banks, June 30, 2005
factor per ton is not as crucial. High premium value product,
you tend to ship it by higher speed modes. But lower value
per ton product, you prefer water or rail.
Now, let’s look at the financial system, and let’s start with
general derivatives view [graphic of “Derivatives vs. GDP obligations outstanding, is so great, there is no possibility of
an ordinary solution in bankruptcy court. vs. Debt”]. This, again, is an animation, with a time-scale in Take, for example,
the upper left-hand corner. You see what’s happening to the right now: Let’s take the case of the airlines. What we have,
ratio of debt to gross product. Now, derivatives come in, espe- for example, in the oil price scandal: probably $40 out of
cially after ’87—this is Greenspan. And the derivatives are the going toward $80, now, of oil, is pure swindle. It’s
taking over. Ready to eat up everybody else. Hmm? speculation, and it’s run on behalf of the financial interests
Now, look at the U.S. commercial bank situation (Figure in the South, which concentrated the oil traffic in the Gulf
7). That’s your reserves, hmm? Bank capital, the loans and area, to be near to George Bush, and the Carlyle Group.
leases, that’s the business of the bank; total assets; now, look So, the United States economic operations, in respect to
here—derivatives. That’s the nature of our financial crisis: petroleum, have been concentrated to the advantage of the
This. Bush family and related interests. That’s where the speculaThat’s
self-explanatory at this point. tion is.
And now, more or less to conclude, we’ll get to the next. There was no shortage of petroleum! There was a superLet’s
look at the Federal derivatives [graphic “From Bank to abundance of petroleum! The ports were clogged with petro-
Casino”]. Yes—Greenspan, or “Greenspin” [as derivatives leum. There is no oil shortage! And producing more oil from
bubble grows]. Remorseless. the reserves, is not going to solve the oil price crisis: It’s purely
And one final touch, which some of you will appreciate speculative! It’s speculators out manipulating the market, to
[see photo]. The motto is, “Fish stinks from the head.” You rip people off at the pump, by more than $40 a barrel.
may recognize the characters. What is this being done for? For two reasons: First of all,
because George Bush’s friends love to steal. For example, it
The Financial Cancer Is Growing didn’t occur to them what they could do, in the case of New
Now, to return to the strategic question that all this in- Orleans, for example, until they discovered how to steal! And
volves. People say, “Is this a depression?” You know, there the way to steal, is to send Halliburton in there. Which is what
are some people who are really idiots. You tell them there’s they’re doing. The same Halliburton, the same Bechtel crowd
a depression going on, and they say, “Yeah, but how’s the which pulled the swindle in Iraq! They fire the military engimarket
doing today?” “Yeah, the markets doing fine, look at neers, fire the capabilities that we used to have, to deal with
those derivatives.” What you’re seeing as market expansion, these situations; you bring in a private company, which boonis
entirely financial derivatives. Now, financial derivatives doggles. Charges all prices, off record, unregulated. The Conare
the equivalent to an economy, of cancer to a human being. gress is not allowed to have hearings, which actually get into
“I’mbetter than ever. The doctor says the cancer is growing!” who’s doing what for whom, in terms of these areas.
That’s what it is. They do the same thing with the oil price scandal: Some-
But what this also means, is that the ratio of financial one says, “Let’s regulate it. This is out of control, this is not
EIR September 23, 2005 LaRouche Webcast 27
justified by supply and demand or any such consideration.” government and related policies—over the period since the
1970s, especially 1977. Under Carter, which Schro¨der, the Chancellor of Germany, said in Gleneagles, is really under
“Let’s regulate it.” Who turned it down? The British and the Brzezinski, we went into deregulation. We used to have a
United States. Why? To steal! What were they doing? Well, policy in the United States, even in the post-Roosevelt period,
they were not just stealing: You recall the derivatives crisis initially—a “fair trade” policy.
which hit in the Spring. You will find that a lot of hedge funds A fair trade policy meant, that you would arrange all the
went belly-up, as a result of that struggle. The whole system mechanisms of government, tariff regulations, all kinds of
is ready to blow. So, bailing out their system, the hedge-fund regulations, in order to ensure that if somebody is doing somesystem,
is crucial for the people who run the system. How are thing, in the private sector, which is useful to the United
they going to bail the system out? They’re going to have to States, useful to the people of the United States, we want them
steal. Well, $40 a barrel rip-off, off the top of the price, on oil, to stay in business. We don’t want to go around the world,
is a very good rip-off, for people who desperately need profit trying to find some cheap labor to replace them! We want to
to keep from going bankrupt. keep the farms, the industries, and so forth, here. We want
Look at the effect of this; look at airline industry: We’ve our basic economic infrastructure solid.
got two new, major airlines are going bankrupt. The entire So, therefore, what we do, is, we set up a system of tariffs,
pension system of the United States is now in jeopardy, be- and similar kinds of devices, to ensure that an honest industry,
cause these two airlines are about to dump their pension re- which is producing an honest product, is going to have the
sponsibilities—which they had not been maintaining—to fair costs of its production paid. By setting the prices at that
dump them on the Federal government! Now, this dilutes the level. And it’s going to be able to get credit, to be able to
ability of the Federal government to maintain the pension meet those obligations of production and so forth. To improve
guarantee system. But, why do we have the problem? Be- itself, to be more productive and so forth.
cause: Some people decided to rip-off the airline industry. So, we had a protectionist policy, which is called a “fair
The danger is, if Northwest and Delta and a few others go, trade” policy! We wanted to have, not big corporations gobwhat
have we got? We no longer have a way of transporting bling people up, not stockholders who are fleeing from one
people from coast to coast, inside the United States! corporate stock to the other every day! But, people who are
You want a national security problem? We’re on the edge committed in the long term to building an industry in a comof
that, right now. munity! Within a state! People who are building for the future.
So, the other side of this, is, we’re in a crisis. There’s no We wanted private entrepreneurs, closely held companies,
possible way of getting out of this by normal management people who were production oriented: The machine-tool end
methods. There’s only one way this can work: The Federal of the thing, especially. This was our strength. This was the
government has to put the whole shebang into bankruptcy. It strength that Roosevelt used to make us the greatest economic
has to put the Federal Reserve System into bankruptcy, which power the world had ever seen, as we entered into World
is a way of putting the banking system into receivership. Then War II.
the Federal government must act, to prevent the banks from We have to do it again. We can do it, again!
closing their doors. To make sure they continue their normal But, we have to recognize that that’s the problem! We
business, because that affects the life of communities—it af- have to recognize that the switch to a service economy was a
fects industry, everything. We must have a flow of credit. We piece of clinical insanity!Wehave to recognize that free trade
must have financial security of a type which is needed to is a piece of clinical insanity! We have to recognize that globmaintain
communities and industries. alization is imperialism. We have to say, “These things come
to an end!”
Defend the General Welfare! We have a primary obligation, which I don’t think the
We must also act in terms of defending the General Wel- nominee for Chief Justice understands. I don’t think he wishes
fare. We need airlines! We’re going to have to put the thing to understand it. (I want to know who his cosmetician is! If
into government receivership, and reorganize the system, rec- you’ve seen him on television, you’d say, “Who’s pasting
ognizing it has been torn down by speculation. By looting! him up every day?”)
We’ve got to put the thing back. We’ve got to rebuild the rail The Constitution of the United States is, in his terms,
transport system. We’ve got to have a rational relationship political! It is in his terms, ideological! Patriotism in the
between high-speed rail transport, and air transport. We’ve United States is ideological! It is political! The politics of the
got to do a lot of things in this direction. United States, the existence of a republic, is a commitment to
We’ve got to go into a large investment, Roosevelt-style, the General Welfare. General Welfare means, “living people
but larger, into re-creating industries that are lost! But the and their descendants.” The defense of them. The promotion
problem in trying to re-create industries that are lost, is that of the improvement of our territory. The promotion of our
we don’t have the skilled labor force we have lost!—through industries, of our agriculture: I want to be able to get apples!
28 LaRouche Webcast EIR September 23, 2005
I don’t want to get Australian strawberries! I want American
strawberries! Nothing wrong with Australian strawberries—
we should get some of them. But we should also grow our
Now, these ideas that I just listed, are ideas which were
the standard belief of people coming out of World War II,
after the Roosevelt experience and the preceding Hoover experience.
We had Coolidge and Hoover! We didn’t need it
again! We thought Coolidge and Hoover were bad—we
hadn’t seen Bush! Hmm?
So, the point is, we have to realize, that we’re at a point
where the existence of the system of the nation-state, the
sovereign nation-state, internationally, is in jeopardy. Our
own state is in jeopardy. But because we were summoned to
war, to defeat Hitler—many of us didn’t understand what it
was all about, but we defended the country, and we fought.
Courtesy of Eisenhower Library We didn’t fight well. We weren’t well trained, we weren’t
Gen. Lucius D. Clay with President Eisenhower in 1955. military people. We had a few people in the military, called “The best
military went into the WPA [Works Progress Administration],
“USA—Useless Sons Accommodated.” People whocouldn’t under [Harry] Hopkins . . . as people who set up the program of
get jobs, would go into the military. Nobody wanted to use economic development, of turning useless workers into useful
them for anything, they kept them around to have the numbers workers; and setting up the industrial program, which made us the
in there. greatest economic power on this planet. About 100 military
The best military went into the WPA [Works Progress people, typified by Lucius Clay, went in under Hopkins on that
program, and built this nation. We’ve got to do it again!”
Administration], under [Harry] Hopkins. Not as WPA workers,
but as people who set up the program of economic development,
of turning useless workers into useful workers; and
who set up the industrial program, which made us the greatest their souls again, and do their job to rebuild this nation, which
economic power on this planet. About 100 military people, they have done so much to destroy by their ideology, by their
typified by [General] Lucius Clay, went in under Harry service economy ideology. And to give the future, which
Hopkins on that program, and built this nation. We’ve got to many of us will not see—to give the future, a future. To give
do it again! The same kind of thing again. It’s going to be our people, the young people who are now entering their
hard work, but we can do it! And if we are future-oriented, if twenties, a future, and to give their children a future. And, we
we are not people who are depending upon what we can get should take pleasure in doing that.
today, and if we know our life is limited, and we’re not going
to be here forever—we’re going to go on: We’re concerned ‘Think of the Future’
about what we leave behind. And, therefore, we’re concerned Many people came from various parts of Europe into the
about what we leave to our children and grandchildren, and United States. They came from poor parts of Europe, because
those generations. they found an opportunity here, not a rich opportunity, but
We have a Baby-Boomer generation, which is now get- an opportunity to seek an opportunity. They came into our
ting into 60 and beyond, and they’re about to go—one way or country, as poor immigrants, mostly; became farmers and
the other, I think. I’ve not much hope for them, their survival workers and so forth, and they worked hard. They worked
capability, their intellectual survival capability—not much hard to give something to their children, a better life than they
commitment to life. There’s more commitment to enjoying had had, an education. In about two or three generations, they
Purgatory as sort of a comfort zone. became sort of a solid part of the regular population of the
But we have, coming up now, a generation which has United States as a whole. They built a future. They had the
entered adulthood, which is now considered 18 to 22, 25, as confidence and courage to come here, to build a future. They
entering adulthood—and the future belongs to them. Not right found here the opportunity—not an easy one—but an opporaway.
It’ll take a little time before they’re ready to take over tunity, nonetheless, to build a future. And they worked to
the industries and similar kinds of positions. But it won’t have build a future! They worked, and they suffered, and they sacrito
take too much time. Andtherefore, our future depends upon ficed, for the sake of their children: especially to get their
them. And getting the old folks, those who are about 60 years children education, and things of that type, to get things that
of age, who are considered—I’m considered—the antiques they needed for the next generation. And as they grew older,
of society, today, to do their job, and to be mustered to find they took delight in their grandchildren, and said, “It’s been
EIR September 23, 2005 LaRouche Webcast 29
worth it all.” That is the American Dream. That is whatwerep- aren’t the same nation we were, when Kennedy mobilized us:
So,howdoweproceed?Dowelegislate it?Dowejust resent. appoint
We now come to a time, a difficult time, a hard time. We people to do it? It still is not clear to me, how to take on a task
don’t have many of the things we need to rebuild this country. of this magnitude.”
We’re going to have to work hard to rebuild it. But, if we have LaRouche: Well, the problem is, we don’t have a Presiour
morality with us, we’re going to think of the future. dent. We have something occupying the place where a Presi-
I’m not going to have much of a future—oh, 10 years, or dent should be, when he’s not on vacation.
maybe 20 years, if Amelia [93-year-old civil rights leader Therefore, you have an institution whichwe’re depending
Amelia Boynton Robinson] lets me. But: I’mthinking ahead: upon, now, for much of the leadership. We have certain comI’ve
got 3,000 years, approximately, of history in me already, mittees in the House, which have capabilities, and which are
and I’ll think ahead about a hundred. And I’m counting on very important politically, in the picture, in many other ways.
what’s going to happen in the next hundred years. And that But the hard core of the decisions that have to be made, is in
turning the corner, from going down, where we are now, to the Legislative branch of government, which is the opposite
going up! And I have to try to get, with my limited powers number, the primary opposite number, to the President: And
and influence in the world, to get some other people—who that is, the U.S. Senate.
are a little bit younger than I am—to take up the challenge, Now, so far, we have a situation, in which the Democratic
and to recognize what the danger is. And to recognize, that leadership of the Senate, is by and large pretty much together,
they’re our soldiers. on the right side of the angels.
Thank you. We have, on the Republican side, a growing number of
Republicans, who wonder what’s happened to the Republican
Party. They come in all shades and colors, so to speak. But
Dialogue With LaRouche they are patriots, generally, in a certain deep-down sense,
particularly when challenged on things which get their gumpFreeman:
Thank you, Lyn. . . . The first question comes tion up, on defending the nation.
from a national political operative, whohas a fairly large stake So, we have in effect a potential bipartisan coalition, of
in what is going on right now, in the Gulf area, and the Delta overwhelming potential, in the Senate. And you’ve got a forin
general. And he wanted to ask you, very specifically, a mer boxer as the leader of the Democrats [Harry Reid of
question, since he’s also responsible for advising many Dem- Nevada], which does help him to understand how to deal with
ocratic members of the Congress. certain issues—that is—he’s got the instinct. He doesn’t go
He says: “Lyn, there are a lot of people, now, who are out punching people up, but he does have the instinct of how
arguing that Katrina may very well have closed the case, on to think, if you’re in the ring.
the failure of the whole post-industrial globalization culture. The problem for the Republicans—by and large, there
The fact is, though, that right now, we are not the same nation are several problems here to consider: The problem with the
that we were when John F. Kennedy mobilized us to put a man Republicans is, this means a break with the party, in a sense.
on the Moon. On the one hand, there isn’t a single member of Or, not a break—it means they’ve got to decide to break the
the Senate who’s stupid enough not to attach his name to party free from the grip of Bush-Cheney. Now, that’s a tough
Mary Landrieu’s Operation Pelican legislation.” fight for them, with an election year coming up. They’re being
(This is, for people who don’t know, this is one big piece asked to do to Bush and Cheney, what they did to Nixon. And
of legislation, that was authored by Mary Landrieu, who’s that’s the jam-up for them. It doesn’t mean they’re not capable
the Democratic Senator from the state of Louisiana, and by of doing that. It means that they’re not coming up to speed
Senator David Vitter, who’s the freshman Republican from fast enough so that we worry, “Will they be willing to act fast
that state. This is a bill that actually seeks to put the reconstruc- enough to prevent a war in Iran? A war against Iran?”
tion effort in one big package, so as to not hold it up. And it Because if they don’t, we now go into a new dimension,
actually provides funding of about $183 billion. By the time that I referred to, of permanent war. Permanent revolution/
that bill actually reaches the Senate floor, it will be co-spon- permanent war. That’s the danger.
sored by, I think, every single member of the Senate—with So therefore, the issue here, is to get—in the long term, if
the exception of the acting president of the Senate, Mr. Che- we’re left alone, with a bipartisan coalition forming in the
ney, who has not been invited to attach his name to it. Senate, certain aspects of government could move in the right
But, what the question is, is—he says:) direction. The problem we have now, is, will that come fast
“There isn’t a single member of the Senate who’s stupid enough? Right now, it is not coming fast enough.
enough not to attach his name to this legislation. But the There are a couple of issues, where it is coming up fast
problem that we face is that right now, money and good inten- enough. The Mary Landrieu motion has got a lot of wet legs
tions simply are not going to be enough. We made a commit- to it. But they’re going to do everything possible to sabotage
ment here, but the question is, how do we honor it? Again, we it, because, from the standpoint of Dick Cheney, reporting to
30 LaRouche Webcast EIR September 23, 2005
about meeting with me, “W-h-a-t are
you suggesting?!” “You’re suggesting
we commit mass suicide, on a Wall
Street account?”
So, therefore, despite the fact that
this situation exists, I’macting as a President
should. I had hoped that the former
President [Clinton] would play that role,
but recently he’s been reluctant to do so.
He’s trying to play a somewhat different
So, what I’ve done today, for example,
in raising this question of permanent
war; what I did in raising the question
of the neo-cons; what I did in raising
the question of these crazy “Children
of Satan”: I’m doing this, because these
ideas have to get out, and they have to
get out as if from a President of the
United States who is providing a focal
EIRNS/Stuart Lewis point of leadership.
“We have to give the future a future.” Here, LaRouche Youth Movement members at the I’msaying things, which many peo-
Sept. 16 webcast. ple in the Senate and elsewhere agree
with. But they’re not prepared to do it!
They’ll say, “It’s not time”; “It doesn’t
work that way”—but I’msaying, “The clock is his boss, George Shultz, Halliburton needs the money. And running out!”
you’re not going to get any benefit, for the people of Louisi- Someone has to say, “The clock is running out!” You can’t
ana, to speak of, if Halliburton gets in there. You want to look set the agenda and the time scale based on your comfort zone!
at what they did in Iraq, to get a pretty good idea, what they’re You’ve got to operate on the basis of—you’ve got to think
going to do. So, that’s one of the problems. like a commander in war! Because we’re in war! We’re in
But, to come back to the other problem: The Senate is the war I described. We’re in permanent warfare! Permanent
not an efficient institution to replace the Presidency. It’s the revolution! Permanent regime change!
relative institution in the Legislative branch to control the The United States is faced with destruction! We’re faced
Presidency, on everything except money, which is the respon- with the choice of being an empire, under the people who own
sibility, essentially, of the House of Representatives. But they Cheney, like George Shultz’s bosses, or being a republic! We
are not up to it. Because, they are not institutionally up to it. have to make that decision soon. Are we going to? If we
tolerate, if we try to accommodate, to Cheney, if we try to
Thinking Like a President “deal” with George Bush, if we try to concede to those senti-
Now, what I’m trying to do, in understanding this thing, ments! If we try to concede to Wall Street—we’re lost! We
in understanding the Senators—as I think I do understand no longer have a nation. We’re like the people who said,
them—is, to provide myself, not to pretend to be President, “Hitler is going to go away”—until Go¨ring set fire to the
but to provide them, and to provide people abroad as well, a Reichstag, and then he became a permanent dictator.
sense that there is someone who thinks like a President, acting That’s the situation we’re in. And you have to think like
in the United States. And right now, it’s a vacuum. Nobody a commander in warfare, to lead this nation now: Not to fight
else but me, is thinking like a President, at least, not like a war, but to prevent it!
President required for this time of crisis. Therefore, my func- And nobody’s prepared to do it! You know whatmy polittion
is to fill that void. ical circumstances are. But I have to do it! Because there’s
Now, the enemies I have, who are largely in the financial nobody else, who so far has stepped forward to do that!
sector—whose reputations were made in their support for And that, my questioner knows. And he knows what the
Hitler, back in the early 1930s—don’t like me. Wall Street answer is. He knows what my answer is. And if he wants to
finance hates my guts. And many politicians, including lead- save this country, and I know he does, he knows what he’s got
ing Democrats, are afraid of Wall Street. Therefore, when my to do.
name comes up, you want to see people’s eyeballs go into [For more questions and answers,
spin! Even people who agree with what I’m saying—saying see www.larouchepub.com.]

EIR, LaRouche Webcast
Дата опубликования: 07.12.2011

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